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Support: All Prerequisites

All necessary prerequisites are listed below.




Installation Notes

For Java Installation, Add JAVA_HOME to System Environment Variables


Download Java JDK Mac Installer Here

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Notice if you see zsh or bash on the top of your window
  3. Run the following command to find where Java is.
     where java
  4. Copy the line that has jdk in it
  5. Run the following command if you have bash
     echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" >> ~/.bash_profile

    Restart Terminal

     cat ~/.bash_profile
     echo $JAVA_HOME
  6. Run the following command if you have zsh
    1.  echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" >> ~/.zshrc

      Close & Re open Terminal

     cat ~/.zshrc
     echo $JAVA_HOME


Download Java JDK Windows Installer Here

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Click This PC, Local Disk (C:), Program Files, Java, jdk-##
  3. Right click the folder jdk-## and click Copy address as text
  4. Open Control Plane
  5. Click System & Security, System, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables
  6. Under ‘System Variables’ Click New
  7. Set Variable Name to JAVA_HOME
  8. For Variable value paste the result of $where java
  9. Press OK
  10. Restart Command Prompt
  11. Type the following command to make sure the variable has been correctly set
    set JAVA_HOME

For Tanzu & Kubernetes Installation,

Mac: Install Homebrew

  1. Run the following command in terminal
     /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Run the following commands to make sure Homebrew was installed and install TCE and Kubernetes
     brew -v
     brew install vmware-tanzu/tanzu/tanzu-community-edition
     brew install kubernetes-cli
  3. Run the following commands to verify installation
     tanzu version
     kubectl version

Windows: Install Chocolatey

  1. Run Command Prompt as Admin, Type Win + X, Click Command Prompt (Admin)
  2. Paste the following code and press enter
     @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
  3. Restart Command Prompt/Windows Terminal/Powershell (Admin)
  4. Run the following commands to make sure Chocolatley was installed and install TCE and Kubernetes
     choco -v
     choco install tanzu-community-edition
     choco install kubernetes-cli

    Note: Chocolatley choco commands can only be run by administrator. Packages installed can be used in Admin or Non-admin Command Prompts.

  5. Run the following commands to verify installation
     tanzu version
     kubectl version

To Run Docker in Windows you must make sure Virtualization Proptection is enabled.

Contact a VMware Instructor in class or on discord (#howard-cloud-web-development-course) before beginning this process. They will verify if you need to complete these steps or not.

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type systeminfo to see Hyper-V Requirements. If any are set to No, follow these steps:
  3. Type Windows Key + X
  4. Click Settings, Update & Security, Recovery
  5. Under ‘Advanced startup’ Click Restart Now
  6. Under ‘Choose an option’ click Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, UEFI Firmware Settings, Restart
  7. On Startup Menu Type ‘fn key’ + ‘f10 key’ to Open BIOs Set Up
  8. Click the right arrow to System Configuration

    Note: If your computer does not have a System Configuration tab Follow links Step 2 based on your device manufacturer

  9. Click down to Virtualization Technology
  10. Click Enter to change and Click the up/down arrow to enabled
  11. Click Enter
  12. Click ‘fn key’ + ‘f10 key’ to save and exit
  13. Open Command Prompt & Type systeminfo to make sure the Hypervisor has been found
  14. Open Control Panel
  15. Click Programs, Turn Windows featured on or off
  16. Make sure ‘Windows Hypervisor Platoform’ and Virtual Machine Platform’ have a check next to them
  17. Restart your computer
  18. Open Docker Desktop and wait for it to start

Note: You may see a pop up instructing you to install a linux kernel package. Follow the steps to install then click restart.