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3.1 Implement HubSpot Website Analytics Reports

This tutorial is going to demostrate how to integrate and utilize HubSpot in your personal webpage.

HubSpot Website Analytics Dashboard

HubSpot provides the capability to develop custom dashboards or use dashboard templates to centralize reports on Marketing, Sales, Services and Websites. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a Website Analytics Dashboard.

Add Tracking Code to Webpage

  1. Open your index.html file in your IDE, VS Code

    Note: VS Code Menu > File > Open Folder > Documents/resume-app

    1. Open Terminal in IDE

      Note: VS Code Menu > Terminal > New Terminal

    2. Run the following command to get into the branch where your code is

       git checkout gh-pages
  2. Open your Hubspot Console (Click Go to my account)
  3. Click your Profile Icon (in the upper right corner)
  4. Click Profile & Preferences
  5. Under Account Set Up, click Tracking Code, Copy
  6. Paste the code in your index.html file open in VS Code in between the <head></head> tags

Push Changes to GitHub website

  1. Open Terminal in IDE
    1. Run the following command to get into the branch where your code is
       git checkout gh-pages
  2. Run the following commands
    1. Add code to staging area (local changes are tracked)
       git add --all
    2. Record file in version history
       git commit -am "Added HubSpot Analytics"
    3. Send changes to remote repository (where your website is built from)
       git push

Note: See 1.2 Create a Public Webpagewith GitHub Pages, Deploy to GitHub Pages form more information on GitHub Pages set up.

Create Dashboard

  1. Open your Hubspot Console (Click Go to my account)
  2. In the menu click Reports, Dashboards
  3. Scroll down and click Website Analytics, Next
  4. Click Create Dashboard
  5. Click Exit

View Dashboard

  1. Open your Hubspot Console (Click Go to my account)
  2. In the menu click Reports, Dashboards
  3. The Website Analytics Dashboard should be open
  4. To change Dashboards click the title of the current dashboard and select the dashboard you want to view