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1.3.4 Activate Navigation Bar with CSS Styles and Elements

This document will demonstrate how to activate the links in the navigation bar and make the navigation bar stick to the top of the view window on scroll.

  1. Find the folling Navigation Bar Link
     <li class = "navigation-bar-item"><a class = "navigation-bar-item-link" href = "#about" >About</a></li>

    Note: Notice the href = "#about" looks similar to an id selector (For example, #page-title {} corresponds with id = "page-title")

  2. Find the following section element in btween the <body></body> tags in initial.html
     <section class = "about-section" id = ""> ... </section>
  3. Set the id to about like below
     <section class = "about-section" id = "about"> ... </section>
  4. Open the browser that has your webpage. Scroll to the top of the website. Click About & see what happens.
  5. Repeat this process for Experience, Skills, Courses and Contact.
  1. Find .sticky {} in between the <style></style> tags
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     position: fixed; /* Position method, fixed - set position in relation to view window using top, bottom, right, left */
     top: 0; /* Distance from the top of the view window */
     width: 100%; /* Width in relation to container */
  3. Scroll in your browser to test!

The next tutorial will demonstrate how to add Google Fonts & FontAwesome Icons to a website!