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1.1 Create GitHub Repository

This tutorial will demonstrate how to configure your git Command Prompt tool to access your Github account. This will enable you to pull our public repository and then push the code to your repository in your account. Lets get started.




Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT)

Before you move to the next step and pull code down from our code repository, you will need to authenticate to your Github account to push your new code to the repository you just created.

  1. Open your Terminal or Command Prompt

    Note: On Windows computers, press Windows Key + X and click Command Prompt/Windows Powershell/Windows Terminal

    Note: On Mac computers, press CMD + space bar to open Spolight Search, type “Terminal” and click “Terminal”

  2. Run the following command to make sure git is installed
     git version
  3. Generate PAT
    1. Login to GitHub in your browser
    2. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner, then click Settings
    3. Click Developer Settings in the left side menu
    4. Click Personal Access Tokens, Generate New Token
    5. Enter your password
    6. Set Note to ‘Authenticate my laptop’
    7. Set Expiration to ‘No Expiration’
    8. Select all Scopes and click Generate Token
    9. Copy your token and paste somewhere safe

Create a GitHub Repository

  1. Login to GitHub in your browser
  2. Click the plus icon next to your profile icon in the upper right corner
  3. Click New repository
  4. Set the name as anything you want. This will be the in your website link. (Don’t forget it!)
  5. Click Create Repository
  6. Under Quick Setup, copy the<your-github-username>/<your-repo-name>.git

    Note: Remove aligator clips < & >

  7. You have now created a new Repository. Go to the next section. This section is complete.

Note: View steps to authenticate with images