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1.2 Create a Public Webpage with GitHub Pages

This tutorial will show you how to create a publically accessible webpage that you can share with your family and friends using GitHub Pages.


You should already have the following set up…



  • git CLI (Mac/Linux/Windows)

    Note: CLI stand for Command Prompt Interface. These are command we can run in Command Prompt or Terminal.

Get access GitHub Pages code

Here is a short video that provides an example of what you will be doing at the Command Prompt on both your Mac or Windows PC.

  1. Open Terminal/Command Prompt
  2. If you are on a MAC or a Windows PC run the following commands for each platform.
    1. Create a folder to hold your repository (Mac, Linux & Windows)

       cd Documents 

      Note: This should be your Documents folder on your Mac

       mkdir resume-app 

      Note: mkdir creates a folder in the documents folder

       cd resume-app

      Note: cd changes directory to the folder you just created

  3. Run the following commands.

    1. Create a new branch
       git init  

      Note: git init initialises the directory and creates a .git file so the git can track things locally.

    2. Configure user name and email for github in command line
       git config --global "<enter-your-username>"
       git config --global "<enter-your-github-email>"
       git config --global --list

      Note: Remove aligator clips < & >

    3. Add the your new repository to your local git directory
       git remote add origin <the URL you copied from "quik setup" in the last step should be pasted here>

      Note: Remove aligator clips < & >

      Note: We are adding your new remote repository to the new local git directory.


      The command should look like this:

       git remote add origin
    4. Create a new branch and switch to the branch
       git checkout -b gh-pages 

      Note: We are creating and switchig to our new gh-pages branch.

    5. Get code for webpage
       git pull gh-pages --rebase   

      Note: We are downloading code from the URL provided.

    6. Update Remote Repo
       git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages

      Note: We are pushing the code to our newly created branch in our new repository.

Edit your website

  1. Open your IDE, VS Code
  2. Open the folder where you stored your repository by opeining the menu and clicking File then Open Folder
  3. Then select to your ~\Documents\resume-app folder
  4. Open index.html by clicking the file name in the Explorer on the right side
  5. Once the html file is open in VS Code, edit the HTML file with your information. See Example
  6. Once editing is complete, save your changes by going to the menu and clicking File then Save
  7. In the menu click Terminal and then New Terminal to open the Terminal window in VS Code.
  8. Run the following commands
    1. Make sure you are in your git directory.
       cd Documents\resume-app
    2. Add all changes to staging area
       git add --all
    3. Store changes in version history
       git commit -am "<descriptive-message>"

      Note: Your descriptive message can be “My First Change”

      Note: Remove aligator clips < & >

    4. Send changes to remote repository
       git push

Deploy To GitHub Pages

  1. Navigate to Your Repository in your browser
  2. In the menu bar under your repository title click on Settings
  3. In the left side menu under Code and Automation select Pages
  4. Under Source select Deploy from a branch
  5. Under Branch select gh-pages
  6. When your page is ready you will see a message at the top of this page under GitHubPages that says ‘Your site is live at https://<github-username><your-repo-name>

    Note: Remove aligator clips < & >

  7. Visit your site!