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2.1.1 Access the Spring Boot Application

This tutorial demostrates how to get a local copy of the Spring Boot Application for this project that is stored in a GitHub Repository.




Note: Run the following commands in Terminal/Command line to verify Installations

git -v

Access the Spring Boot Application

  1. Open your IDE (IntelliJ or VS Code)
  2. Open the folder containing your local repository
  3. Open the terminal in your IDE
  4. Run the following commands
    1. Make sure you are in the main or master branch (Note: There will be a * next to the branch you are in)
       git branch
    2. If not, run the following command (master or main)
       git checkout master
    3. Get a local copy of the code
       git pull --rebase
    4. See the code files

      Mac Windows
      ls dir
    5. Update your remote repository
       git push -f