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1.3.2 Navigation Bar Styles

This document will demonstrate how to create a black navigation bar on your webpage.

  1. Find .navigation-bar-container {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html

    This is the navigation-bar-container class. Any styles we add between the {} wil apply to any element that has class = 'navigation-bar-container'. Notice there is no . when declaring the class.

  2. Add the following code between the {}
     background-color: var(--nav-bar-color); /* Background Color */
     display: flex; /* Layout model - gives us control over where elements are placed */
     justify-content: center; /* Horizontal Alignment */
     padding: 20px 0px; /* Keep everything inside the element 20px from the top and bottom borders */
     height: 50px; /* Container Height */

    Note: var(--nav-bar-color) referes to a variable called --nav-bar-color set in the :root{} selector in between the <style></style> tags. You can add any variables your want and reuse the values in CSS style attributes.

  3. Refresh the browser where your website is visible
  4. Notice how there is a bit of white space between the .navigation-bar-container styles and the window
  5. Find html, body {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
  6. Add the following code between the {}
     padding: 0; /* Space between borders and elements inside */
     margin: 0; /* Space outisde container */
     font-family: Monserrat, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* Font Family (Google Import) */
     font-weight: 200; /* Boldness/Thinness of text (400 = Regular Weight) */

    Note: This will remove Gap and set font family and font weight for all text on the webpage

Inner Navigation Bar Container Styling

  1. Find .navigation-bar {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     background-color: black; /* Show Element */
     width: 85%; /* Make this element 85% of the width of its container */
     display: flex; /* Layout Model */
     justify-content: space-between; /* Flex Layout madel attribute - create maximum amount of space between elements */
     align-items: center; /* Vertical Alignment */
  3. Find .navigation-bar-list {} in between the <style></style> tags
  4. Add the following code between the {}
     list-style: none; /* Removes Bullet Points */

Unordered List Items

  1. Find .navigation-bar-item {} in between the <style></style> tags
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     background-color: green; /* Show Element */
     margin-left: 35px; /* Create 35px of space between this element and the element to the left */
     font-size: 18px; /* Font Size */
     float: left; /* Move Item to the left of its container, Respects the 'justify-content: space-between;' flex layout attribute */
  3. Find .navigation-bar-item-link {} in between the <style></style> tags
  4. Add the following code between the {}
     text-decoration: none; /* Remove Underline */
     color: white; /* Text Color */

Page Title Styles

Page Title

  1. Find #page-title {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html

    This is the page-title id selector. Any styles we add between the #page-title {} wil apply to the element that has id = 'page-title'. Notice there is no # when declaring the id. Also, an id can only be applied to 1 element.

  2. Add the following code between the {}

     background-color: blue; /* Show Element */
     font-size: 20px; /* Font Size */
  1. Find #page-title a {} in between the <style></style> tags

    This is a combinator selector. Any styles we add between the #page-title a {} wil apply to the anchor elements, <a></a>, that are inside of the element that has id = 'page-title'.

    For example,

     <div id = 'page-title'>
         <a href = "#">Title</a>
  2. Add the following code between the {}

     text-decoration: none; /* Remove Underline */
     color: white; /* Text Color */
  1. Remove all lines in style blocks that look like
     background-color: XXX; /* Show Element */

    Note: Look under #page-title, .navigation-bar & .navigation-bar-item

The next Tutorial will demonstrate how to style the sections of this website!