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1.3.3 Section Styles

This document will demonstrate how to make window filling sections of a website.

Page Section Styles

  1. Find the following in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
     .contact-section {}
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     height: 100vh; /* 100% of the height of the view/browser */
     padding-top: 90px; /* nav-bar-height + (2 * nav-barpadding) = 50px + (2 * 20px) = 90px */
     color: var(--section-text-color); /* Text Color */

Inner Section Container Styles

  1. Find .container {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     border: 5px solid orange; /* Show Element */
     width: 85%; /* Element Width based on Container */
     margin 0 auto; /* Horizontally Center */

Landing Section Styles

  1. Find .landing-section {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     background-color: var(--main-color); /* Background Color */
     color: white; /* Text Color */
     height: 100vh; /* 100% of the height of the view/browser */

Landing Section Text Styles

  1. Find .landing-section-text {} in between the <style></style> tags in initial.html
  2. Add the following code between the {}
     border: 5px solid green; /* Show Element */
     font-size: 100px; /* Font Size */
     line-height: 100vh; /* Text Line Height - Vertical Center (without flex layout, text only, 1 line of text) */
     margin: 0; /* No spacing between container boarders and element */

Section Styles Complete

  1. Remove all lines in style blocks that look like
     border: 5px solid XXX; /* Show Element */

    Note: Look under .landing-section-text, .about-section, .experience-section,.skill-section, .course-section, .contact-section & .container

The next Tutorial will demonstrate how to activate the navigation bar of this website!